At the intersection of health and personal finance, we discover the value of investing in better health.
What is the best investment into better health?

How can we build a health-supportive environment within our bodies to prevent illness, disease and fight off this dreaded COVID 19 virus we are faced with?
Our Core Investment
News reports attest to the fact that the most vulnerable people — the majority of those falling prey to COVID 19 — are those who are immune compromised. The truth remains that strengthening our immune systems’ is key.
Investment into proven preventive health measures is being overshadowed by the COVID-19 acute shift in spending towards masks, medicines and investment into vaccines.
Yet, investing in natural health alternatives that strengthen our immune systems, prevents us from being at the mercy of the latest antibiotics or fast-tracked vaccines, and allows us to take better control of our own health. This type of immune strengthening should definitely be our core investment.

Simplicity Fuels Success
Here are a few simple steps we can embark on to safeguard our health:
1. Eating nutrient rich foods — found in fresh and whole foods that have not been processed. Original nutrient sources, like fresh vegetables, sea vegetables, whole grains, cereal grasses, fresh fruits, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds.
2. Creating a protective immune shield — When our immune systems are strong, viruses are not allowed into our systems; they are warded off. This protective, immune shield is referred to as “protective qi”.
“When the protective qi is strong, diseases from viruses to weather influences entering into the body are completely warded off; if it is less strong,diseases may enter onto the exterior level and bring about a cold, flu or other external conditions; if it is very deficient, disease factors may penetrate to interior levels, more profoundly affecting the functioning of internal organs.” explains Paul Pitchford, author of Healing With Whole Foods
Strong immunity, or protective qi, is weakened by inflammation. Fighting inflammation is important because it is at the root of many major, debilitating and life threatening illnesses, including cancer, heart problems, strokes, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and more. Nutrient rich whole foods fight inflammation as they supply us with Omega 3 essential fatty acids, fiber and antioxidants.
David Katz, MD, M.P.H., who authored the book, Disease Proof: The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well, provides insight into inflammation for us:
“The difference between inflammation that protects your body and ‘dysfunctional inflammation’- the disease causing kind, is that the white blood cells and other compounds don’t retreat once the threat has passed. Your immune system remains in overdrive and erodes the linings of blood cells, damages healthy tissues and sets the stage for chronic medical conditions.”
Here’s how Omega 3, Fiber and Antioxidants can help us keep our immune system balanced and protective:
- Omega 3 essential fatty acids are anti- inflammatory and stop the overactive inflammatory response. They also minimize circulatory disorders and encourage blood flow to damaged tissues.
They are found in flax seed and chia seed and their oils, and all chlorophyll rich foods such as green leafy vegetables and cereal grasses. They balance off the excessive omega 6 oils we consume in processed foods and fried foods.
- Fiber rich diets prevent sugar spikes in our blood because it is slowly digested.
“Fiber prevents a blood sugar surge, which is what happens when you eat refined starch and processed foods”, Dr. Katz says, “When your blood sugar spikes, your body releases high levels of insulin into your bloodstream, and insulin is a pro-inflammatory hormone.”
Fiber is found in the bran of grains, the pulp of fruits and the cell walls of vegetables.
- Antioxidants are plant compounds/nutrients that fight against excess free radicals. These antioxidants protect and support our cells, that are busy producing natural antibodies to viruses and killing off any virus ridden cells.
They are abundant in green leafy vegetables like parsley, sprouts, wheat and barley grasses, and in red fruits and veggies like grapes, pomegranates and carrots.
3. Steering clear of things that compromise our immune system — like getting off balance by:Eating an excessive amount of processed foods
- Eating too many fried foods with unhealthy oils
- Sinking into sedentary lifestyles
- Harboring a stress attitude
- Not getting enough sleep
Because the onset of COVID 19 and the resultant lock downs have caused financial insecurity, a collapse of social support and interaction, and raw fear, it’s important to do all we can to relieve stress and calm our fears through deep breathing, exercise and meditation. Also to find creative ways to connect socially. These spiritually supportive measures are as equally important as all the physical measures we need to take.
The all important Return on Investment
We have a unique opportunity to shore up our health with these enduring preventive measures. It is not too late, never too late to create a strong health foundation.
This enduring health foundation can either shield us from, or be an alternative for the many medicines, antibiotics and vaccines being planned for our futures.
We are at a distinct crossroad wherein investment into better health is no longer a choice. We are compelled to make the best investment into better health. Preventive health measures provide a safe option for sustainable health and a remarkable return on investment.